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On November 22, 2024 at 12:24:49 PM +0100, Gravatar Erik Saaltink:
  • Changed value of field config to { "headers": {}, "package": { "access_rights": "", "author": null, "author_email": null, "authority": "", "bounding_box": "", "changetype": "", "contact_point_email": "CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1", "contact_point_name": "CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1", "contact_point_phone": "", "contact_point_type": "", "dataplatform_link_enabled": "False", "dataset_status": "", "definition": "", "donl_link_enabled": "False", "geonetwork_link_enabled": "False", "tag_string": "CIVDEV-1241 Signalen Harvester Test", "denominator": "", "geo_ref_system": "", "geoserver_link_enabled": "False", "glo": "", "isopen": false, "language": "", "license_id": "notspecified", "license_title": "Licentie is niet gespecificeerd", "maintainer": null, "maintainer_email": null, "metadata_language": "", "notes": "CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1", "num_resources": 2, "num_tags": 1, "privacy_sensitive": "onbekend", "private": false, "publisher": "", "relationships_as_object": [], "relationships_as_subject": [], "resolution": "", "source": "vermelding", "spatial_scheme": "", "spatial_value": "", "state": "active", "subtheme": "", "theme": "", "title": "CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1", "type": "dataset", "update_frequency": "voortdurend geactualiseerd", "url": null, "vermelding_type": "bi_rapportage", "version": "", "version_notes": "" }, "resource": { "cache_last_updated": null, "cache_url": null, "datastore_active": true, "description": "gsdfg sdfgsd gfsdf p", "download_url": "", "hash": "", "language": "", "layer_srid": 28992, "linked_schemas": "", "metadata_language": "", "position": 0, "resource_status": "", "resource_type": null, "rights": "", "state": "active", "timestamp_identifier": "", "url_type": "upload", "wfs_url": "", "wms_url": "" } } in Signalen Harvester - CIVDEV-1241 - Test data 1

  • Changed value of field package to {'access_rights': '', 'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'authority': '', 'bounding_box': '', 'changetype': '', 'contact_point_email': 'CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1', 'contact_point_name': 'CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1', 'contact_point_phone': '', 'contact_point_type': '', 'dataplatform_link_enabled': 'False', 'dataset_status': '', 'definition': '', 'donl_link_enabled': 'False', 'geonetwork_link_enabled': 'False', 'tag_string': 'CIVDEV-1241 Signalen Harvester Test', 'denominator': '', 'geo_ref_system': '', 'geoserver_link_enabled': 'False', 'glo': '', 'isopen': False, 'language': '', 'license_id': 'notspecified', 'license_title': 'Licentie is niet gespecificeerd', 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_language': '', 'notes': 'CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1', 'num_resources': 2, 'num_tags': 1, 'privacy_sensitive': 'onbekend', 'private': False, 'publisher': '', 'relationships_as_object': [], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'resolution': '', 'source': 'vermelding', 'spatial_scheme': '', 'spatial_value': '', 'state': 'active', 'subtheme': '', 'theme': '', 'title': 'CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1', 'type': 'dataset', 'update_frequency': 'voortdurend geactualiseerd', 'url': None, 'vermelding_type': 'bi_rapportage', 'version': '', 'version_notes': ''} in Signalen Harvester - CIVDEV-1241 - Test data 1

  • Changed value of field status to {'job_count': 1, 'last_job': {'id': '10f39282-b5b5-4535-b0ba-b43c5c4a40e5', 'created': '2024-11-22 11:23:03.908198', 'gather_started': '2024-11-22 11:23:04.430292', 'gather_finished': '2024-11-22 11:23:04.495800', 'finished': None, 'source_id': '0c7c7ca1-6740-4ad6-8969-7b1cb0a33c3e', 'status': 'Running', 'stats': {'added': 0, 'updated': 0, 'not modified': 0, 'errored': 1, 'deleted': 0}, 'object_error_summary': [{'message': "Error in [create] for package [CIVDEV-1241 - Harvested data 1]: [None - {'donl_link_enabled': ['Missing value'], 'geonetwork_link_enabled': ['Missing value'], 'tag_string': ['Missing value']}]", 'error_count': 1}], 'gather_error_summary': []}, 'total_datasets': 0} in Signalen Harvester - CIVDEV-1241 - Test data 1