Installation paths relative to:
Package | Version | Installed Path |
alabaster | 0.7.12 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
alembic | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
argparse | 1.4.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
arrow | 1.3.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
asttokens | 3.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
atomicwrites | 1.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
attrs | 25.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
autocommand | 2.2.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
Babel | 2.7.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
backports.tarfile | 1.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
Beaker | 1.11.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
beautifulsoup4 | 4.9.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
binaryornot | 0.4.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
bleach | 3.1.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
blinker | 1.9.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
certifi | 2021.5.30 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
chardet | 4.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
charset-normalizer | 3.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
ckan | 2.9.11+civity.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
ckanapi | 4.8 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ckanapi-4.8-py3.9.egg |
ckanext-catalog | 2.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-catalog |
ckanext-civity | 2.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-civity |
ckanext-dcat | 1.5.1+civity.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-dcat |
ckanext-definitions | 2.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-definitions |
ckanext-den-haag | 0.0.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-den_haag |
ckanext-geoview | 0.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-geoview |
ckanext-gisweb | 3.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-gisweb |
ckanext-harvest | 1.5.6 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-harvest |
ckanext-keycloaksynch | 2.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-keycloaksynch |
ckanext-leeuwarden | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-leeuwarden |
ckanext-lelystad | 1.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-lelystad |
ckanext-lidingo | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-lidingo |
ckanext-linkeddatasets | 2.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-linkeddatasets |
ckanext-malmo | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-malmo |
ckanext-matomo | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-matomo |
ckanext-noordholland | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-noordholland |
ckanext-notifications | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-notifications |
ckanext-oauth2 | 1.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-oauth2 |
ckanext-pdfview | 0.0.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-pdfview |
ckanext-portal | 0.0.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-portal |
ckanext-rotterdam | 1.2.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-rotterdam |
ckanext-s-hertogenbosch | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-s_hertogenbosch |
ckanext-scheming | 3.0.0+civity.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-scheming |
ckanext-scorewater | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-scorewater |
ckanext-spatial | 2.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-spatial |
ckanext-stockholm | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-stockholm |
ckanext-sweden | 2.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-sweden |
ckanext-tracker | 2.3.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-tracker |
ckanext-user-extra | 1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-user_extra |
ckanext-woo | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-woo |
ckanext-workflow | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-workflow |
ckanext-xlsxharvester | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/ckanext-xlsxharvester |
ckantoolkit | 0.0.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
click | 7.1.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
cookiecutter | 1.7.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
coverage | 7.6.12 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
coveralls | 4.0.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
decorator | 5.2.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
docopt | 0.6.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
docutils | 0.12 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
dominate | 2.4.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
et-xmlfile | 2.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
exceptiongroup | 1.2.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
executing | 2.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
factory-boy | 2.12.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Faker | 36.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
fanstatic | 1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
feedgen | 0.9.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
flake8 | 7.1.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Flask | 1.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Flask-Babel | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Flask-DebugToolbar | 0.11.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
flask-multistatic | 1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
freezegun | 0.3.15 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
funcsigs | 1.0.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
future | 0.18.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
geojson | 3.0.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
geomet | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
idna | 2.10 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
imagesize | 1.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
importlib-metadata | 8.6.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
incremental | 24.7.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
inflect | 7.3.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
ipdb | 0.13.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
ipython | 8.18.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
isodate | 0.7.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
itsdangerous | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
jaraco.collections | 5.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
jaraco.context | 5.3.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
jaraco.functools | 4.0.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
jaraco.text | 3.12.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
jedi | 0.19.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Jinja2 | 2.10.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
jinja2-time | 0.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
lxml | 4.6.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
Mako | 1.1.5 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Markdown | 3.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
MarkupSafe | 1.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
matplotlib-inline | 0.1.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
mccabe | 0.7.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
mock | 2.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
more-itertools | 10.6.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
nose | 1.3.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
numpy | 2.0.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
oauthlib | 3.2.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
openpyxl | 3.1.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
OWSLib | 0.28.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
packaging | 24.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pandas | 2.2.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
parso | 0.8.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
passlib | 1.6.5 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pbr | 6.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pexpect | 4.9.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pika | 1.2.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Pillow | 9.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
pip | 25.0.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pip-tools | 5.1.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
platformdirs | 4.2.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
pluggy | 0.13.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
polib | 1.0.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
poyo | 0.5.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
prompt-toolkit | 3.0.50 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
psycopg2 | 2.9.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pure-eval | 0.2.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
py | 1.11.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pycodestyle | 2.12.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pyfakefs | 3.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pyflakes | 3.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pygments | 2.19.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
PyJWT | 1.7.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pyparsing | 3.2.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pyproj | 3.6.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
pysolr | 3.6.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pytest | 4.6.5 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pytest-ckan | 0.0.12 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pytest-cov | 2.7.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pytest-freezegun | 0.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pytest-rerunfailures | 8.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
pytest-split-tests | 1.0.9 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
python-editor | 1.0.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
python-magic | 0.4.15 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
python-slugify | 8.0.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/python_slugify-8.0.4-py3.9.egg |
pytz | 2025.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
PyUtilib | 5.7.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
PyYAML | 5.4.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
rdflib | 6.1.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
redis | 3.5.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
repoze.lru | 0.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
repoze.who | 2.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
requests | 2.25.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
requests-oauthlib | 1.3.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
responses | 0.20.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Routes | 1.13 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
rq | 1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
setuptools | 75.8.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
shapely | 2.0.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
shutilwhich | 1.1.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
simplejson | 3.10.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
six | 1.16.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
snowballstemmer | 2.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
soupsieve | 2.6 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Sphinx | 1.8.5 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
sphinx-rtd-theme | 0.4.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml | 2.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
sphinxcontrib-websupport | 1.2.4 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
SQLAlchemy | 1.3.5 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages |
sqlparse | 0.3.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
stack-data | 0.6.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
text-unidecode | 1.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/text_unidecode-1.3-py3.9.egg |
toml | 0.10.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
tomli | 2.2.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
towncrier | 19.2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
traitlets | 5.14.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
typeguard | 4.3.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor |
types-python-dateutil | | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
typing | | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/typing- |
typing-extensions | 4.12.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
tzdata | 2025.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
tzlocal | 1.3 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
unicodecsv | 0.14.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
urllib3 | 1.26.6 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
vdm | 0.15 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
watchdog | 2.1.5 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
wcwidth | 0.2.13 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
webassets | 2.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
webencodings | 0.5.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
WebOb | 1.8.7 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
Werkzeug | 1.0.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
wheel | 0.36.2 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
whichcraft | 0.6.1 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages |
workers | 2.4.0 | /appserver/ckan/ckan-2.9.11/src/workers |
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Resource | Value |
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System CPU time | 0.887 msec |
Total CPU time | 41.376 msec |
Elapsed time | 66.042 msec |
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0x7f5a3d1e48b0>, 'radio': <function radio at 0x7f5a3d1e4940>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7f5a3d1e49d0>, 'flash': <ckan.lib.helpers._Flash object at 0x7f5a3d300430>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7f5a3d337af0>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7f5a3d337c10>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7f5a3d337940>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f5a3d337b80>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f5a3e7b0040>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f5a3e827f70>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f5a3ebffb80>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f5a3fb27820>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f5a3d1d9b80>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f5a3d1d9ca0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f5a364dff70>, 'compare_pkg_dicts': <function compare_pkg_dicts at 0x7f5a3d1e4b80>, 'activity_list_select': <function activity_list_select at 0x7f5a3d1e4c10>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f5a3d1e4ca0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f5a3d1e4d30>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f5a3d1e4dc0>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f5a3d1e4e50>, 'civity_group_list': <function group_list at 0x7f5a364cc9d0>, 'civity_choices_to_json': <function choices_to_json at 0x7f5a364cca60>, 'civity_donl_theme_list_choices': <function donl_theme_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df550>, 'civity_donl_authority_list_choices': <function donl_authority_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df5e0>, 'civity_donl_language_list_choices': <function donl_language_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df4c0>, 'civity_donl_spatial_scheme_list_choices': <function donl_spatial_scheme_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df670>, 'civity_donl_spatial_value_list_choices': <function donl_spatial_value_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df700>, 'sweden_theme_list_choices': 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'get_harvest_source': <function get_harvest_source at 0x7f5a35f185e0>, 'get_common_map_config_shp': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'get_shapefile_viewer_config': <function get_shapefile_viewer_config at 0x7f5a3c2c9550>, 'get_common_map_config_wmts': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'get_common_map_config_geojson': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'geojson_get_max_file_size': <function get_max_file_size at 0x7f5a3c2c95e0>, 'get_common_map_config_geoviews': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'get_openlayers_viewer_config': <function get_openlayers_viewer_config at 0x7f5a3c2c9670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f5a3c2c0280>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f5a3c2c04c0>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f5a3c2e1790>, 'scheming_language_text': <function scheming_language_text at 0x7f5a3c3ec790>, 'scheming_field_choices': <function scheming_field_choices at 0x7f5a3c3ecb80>, 'scheming_choices_label': <function scheming_choices_label at 0x7f5a3c3ecca0>, 'scheming_datastore_choices': <function scheming_datastore_choices at 0x7f5a3c3ecf70>, 'scheming_field_required': <function scheming_field_required at 0x7f5a3c3ec9d0>, 'scheming_dataset_schemas': <function scheming_dataset_schemas at 0x7f5a3c3ecdc0>, 'scheming_get_presets': <function scheming_get_presets at 0x7f5a3c3ecee0>, 'scheming_get_preset': <function scheming_get_preset at 0x7f5a3c3ece50>, 'scheming_get_dataset_schema': <function scheming_get_dataset_schema at 0x7f5a3c3ecc10>, 'scheming_get_dataset_form_pages': <function scheming_get_dataset_form_pages at 0x7f5a3c3ec310>, 'scheming_group_schemas': <function scheming_group_schemas at 0x7f5a3c3a9700>, 'scheming_get_group_schema': <function scheming_get_group_schema at 0x7f5a3c3a91f0>, 'scheming_organization_schemas': <function scheming_organization_schemas at 0x7f5a3c3a9d30>, 'scheming_get_organization_schema': <function scheming_get_organization_schema at 0x7f5a3c3a90d0>, 'scheming_get_schema': <function scheming_get_schema at 0x7f5a3c3a9280>, 'scheming_field_by_name': <function scheming_field_by_name at 0x7f5a3c3a9430>, 'scheming_datetime_to_utc': <function scheming_datetime_to_utc at 0x7f5a3c3a9310>, 'scheming_datetime_to_tz': <function scheming_datetime_to_tz at 0x7f5a3c3a94c0>, 'scheming_get_timezones': <function scheming_get_timezones at 0x7f5a3c3a9670>, 'scheming_display_json_value': <function scheming_display_json_value at 0x7f5a3c3a93a0>, 'scheming_show_organization_field': <function scheming_show_organization_field at 0x7f5a3c3a9550>, 'scheming_render_from_string': <function scheming_render_from_string at 0x7f5a3c3a9e50>, 'scheming_flatten_subfield': <function scheming_flatten_subfield at 0x7f5a3c3a9ee0>, 'scheming_package_type_list': <function scheming_package_type_list at 0x7f5a3c3a9ca0>} |
scheming.dataset_fallback | 'true' |
scheming.dataset_multi_schemas | 'ckanext.civity:scheming/dataset_multi_schemas/ckan-dataplatform-nl.json' |
scheming.dataset_schemas | 'ckanext.civity:scheming/dataset_schemas/01_core_schema.json' |
scheming.organization_multi_schemas | 'ckanext.civity:scheming/organization_multi_schemas/ckan-dataplatform-nl.json' |
scheming.organization_schemas | 'ckanext.civity:scheming/organization_schemas/ckan_core_organization.json ckanext.civity:scheming/organization_schemas/civity_organization.json' |
scheming.presets | 'ckanext.catalog:presets.json ckanext.civity:presets.json ckanext.scheming:presets.json ckanext.definitions:scheming/presets.json ckanext.scheming:presets.json' |
SECRET_KEY | 'KaCi1UsmyuumcER58BuE8kz95' |
SEND_FILE_MAX_AGE_DEFAULT | datetime.timedelta(seconds=43200) |
smtp.mail_from | '' |
smtp.reply_to | '' |
smtp.server | '' |
solr_url | '' |
sqlalchemy.max_overflow | '5' |
sqlalchemy.pool_pre_ping | True |
sqlalchemy.pool_size | '5' |
sqlalchemy.url | 'postgresql://' |
TESTING | False |
use | 'egg:ckan' |
who.config_file | '/etc/ckan/ckan-dataplatform-nl/who.ini' |
who.log_file | '/tmp/ckan-dataplatform-nl//who_log.ini' |
who.log_level | 'warning' |
Variable | Value |
c | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
g | <flask.g of 'ckan.config.middleware.flask_app'> |
h | {'redirect_to': <function redirect_to at 0x7f5a3d1dc0d0>, 'url': <function url at 0x7f5a3d1dc1f0>, 'get_site_protocol_and_host': <function get_site_protocol_and_host at 0x7f5a3d1dc160>, 'url_for': <function url_for at 0x7f5a3d1dc3a0>, 'url_for_static': <function url_for_static at 0x7f5a3d1dc550>, 'url_for_static_or_external': <function url_for_static_or_external at 0x7f5a3d1dc5e0>, 'is_url': <function is_url at 0x7f5a3d1dc670>, 'url_is_local': <function url_is_local at 0x7f5a3d1dc790>, 'full_current_url': <function full_current_url at 0x7f5a3d1dc820>, 'current_url': <function current_url at 0x7f5a3d1dc8b0>, 'lang': <function lang at 0x7f5a3d1dc940>, 'ckan_version': <function ckan_version at 0x7f5a3d1dc9d0>, 'lang_native_name': <function lang_native_name at 0x7f5a3d1dca60>, 'is_rtl_language': <function is_rtl_language at 0x7f5a3d1dcaf0>, 'get_rtl_theme': <function get_rtl_theme at 0x7f5a3d1dcb80>, 'get_rtl_css': <function get_rtl_css at 0x7f5a3d1dcc10>, 'flash_notice': <function flash_notice at 0x7f5a3d1dcca0>, 'flash_error': <function flash_error at 0x7f5a3d1dd160>, 'flash_success': <function flash_success at 0x7f5a3d1dd1f0>, 'are_there_flash_messages': <function are_there_flash_messages at 0x7f5a3d1dd280>, 'link_to': <function link_to at 0x7f5a3d1dd700>, 'file': <function file at 0x7f5a3d1dd790>, 'submit': <function submit at 0x7f5a3d1dd820>, 'nav_link': <function nav_link at 0x7f5a3d1dd8b0>, 'nav_named_link': <function nav_named_link at 0x7f5a3d1ddb80>, 'subnav_link': <function subnav_link at 0x7f5a3d1ddca0>, 'subnav_named_route': <function subnav_named_route at 0x7f5a3d1dddc0>, 'build_nav_main': <function build_nav_main at 0x7f5a3d1dda60>, 'build_nav_icon': <function build_nav_icon at 0x7f5a3d1dde50>, 'build_nav': <function build_nav at 0x7f5a3d1ddee0>, 'build_extra_admin_nav': <function build_extra_admin_nav at 0x7f5a3d1df040>, 'default_group_type': <function default_group_type at 0x7f5a3d1df160>, 'get_facet_items_dict': <function get_facet_items_dict at 0x7f5a3d1df1f0>, 'has_more_facets': <function has_more_facets at 0x7f5a3d1df280>, 'unselected_facet_items': <function unselected_facet_items at 0x7f5a3d1df310>, 'get_facet_title': <function get_facet_title at 0x7f5a3d1df4c0>, 'get_param_int': <function get_param_int at 0x7f5a3d1df3a0>, 'sorted_extras': <function sorted_extras at 0x7f5a3d1df5e0>, 'check_access': <function check_access at 0x7f5a3d1df670>, 'get_action': <function get_action at 0x7f5a3d1df820>, 'linked_user': <function linked_user at 0x7f5a3d1df700>, 'group_name_to_title': <function group_name_to_title at 0x7f5a3d1df8b0>, 'truncate': <function truncate at 0x7f5a3d1df940>, 'markdown_extract': <function markdown_extract at 0x7f5a3d1df9d0>, 'icon_url': <function icon_url at 0x7f5a3d1dfa60>, 'icon_html': <function icon_html at 0x7f5a3d1dfaf0>, 'icon': <function icon at 0x7f5a3d1dfb80>, 'resource_icon': <function resource_icon at 0x7f5a3d1dfc10>, 'format_icon': <function format_icon at 0x7f5a3d1dfca0>, 'dict_list_reduce': 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resource_link at 0x7f5a3d1e1820>, 'tag_link': <function tag_link at 0x7f5a3d1e18b0>, 'group_link': <function group_link at 0x7f5a3d1e1940>, 'organization_link': <function organization_link at 0x7f5a3d1e19d0>, 'dump_json': <function dump_json at 0x7f5a3d1e1a60>, 'auto_log_message': <function auto_log_message at 0x7f5a3d1e1af0>, 'activity_div': <function activity_div at 0x7f5a3d1e1b80>, 'snippet': <function snippet at 0x7f5a3d1e1c10>, 'convert_to_dict': <function convert_to_dict at 0x7f5a3d1e1ca0>, 'follow_button': <function follow_button at 0x7f5a3d1e1d30>, 'follow_count': <function follow_count at 0x7f5a3d1e1dc0>, 'add_url_param': <function add_url_param at 0x7f5a3d1e1ee0>, 'remove_url_param': <function remove_url_param at 0x7f5a3d1e1f70>, 'include_resource': <function include_resource at 0x7f5a3d1e3040>, 'urls_for_resource': <function urls_for_resource at 0x7f5a3d1e30d0>, 'debug_inspect': <function debug_inspect at 0x7f5a3d1e3160>, 'popular': <function popular at 0x7f5a3d1e31f0>, 'groups_available': <function groups_available at 0x7f5a3d1e3280>, 'organizations_available': <function organizations_available at 0x7f5a3d1e3310>, 'roles_translated': <function roles_translated at 0x7f5a3d1e33a0>, 'user_in_org_or_group': <function user_in_org_or_group at 0x7f5a3d1e3430>, 'dashboard_activity_stream': <function dashboard_activity_stream at 0x7f5a3d1e34c0>, 'recently_changed_packages_activity_stream': <function recently_changed_packages_activity_stream at 0x7f5a3d1e3550>, 'escape_js': <function escape_js at 0x7f5a3d1e35e0>, 'get_pkg_dict_extra': <function get_pkg_dict_extra at 0x7f5a3d1e3670>, 'get_request_param': <function get_request_param at 0x7f5a3d1e3700>, 'html_auto_link': <function html_auto_link at 0x7f5a3d1e3790>, 'render_markdown': <function render_markdown at 0x7f5a3d1e3820>, 'format_resource_items': <function format_resource_items at 0x7f5a3d1e38b0>, 'resource_preview': <function resource_preview at 0x7f5a3d1e3940>, 'get_allowed_view_types': <function get_allowed_view_types at 0x7f5a3d1e39d0>, 'rendered_resource_view': <function rendered_resource_view at 0x7f5a3d1e3a60>, 'view_resource_url': <bound method ResourceProxy.view_resource_url of <Plugin ResourceProxy 'resource_proxy'>>, 'resource_view_is_filterable': <function resource_view_is_filterable at 0x7f5a3d1e3b80>, 'resource_view_get_fields': <function resource_view_get_fields at 0x7f5a3d1e3c10>, 'resource_view_is_iframed': <function resource_view_is_iframed at 0x7f5a3d1e3ca0>, 'resource_view_icon': <function resource_view_icon at 0x7f5a3d1e3d30>, 'resource_view_display_preview': <function resource_view_display_preview at 0x7f5a3d1e3dc0>, 'resource_view_full_page': <function resource_view_full_page at 0x7f5a3d1e3e50>, 'remove_linebreaks': <function remove_linebreaks at 0x7f5a3d1e3ee0>, 'list_dict_filter': <function list_dict_filter at 0x7f5a3d1e3f70>, 'SI_number_span': <function SI_number_span at 0x7f5a3d1e4040>, 'new_activities': <function new_activities at 0x7f5a3d1e40d0>, 'uploads_enabled': <function uploads_enabled at 0x7f5a3d1e4160>, 'get_featured_organizations': <function get_featured_organizations at 0x7f5a3d1e41f0>, 'get_featured_groups': <function get_featured_groups at 0x7f5a3d1e4280>, 'featured_group_org': <function featured_group_org at 0x7f5a3d1e4310>, 'get_site_statistics': <function get_site_statistics at 0x7f5a3d1e43a0>, 'resource_formats': <function resource_formats at 0x7f5a3d1e4430>, 'unified_resource_format': <function unified_resource_format at 0x7f5a3d1e44c0>, 'check_config_permission': <function check_config_permission at 0x7f5a3d1e4550>, 'get_boolean_config_option': <function get_boolean_config_option at 0x7f5a3d1e45e0>, 'get_organization': <function get_organization at 0x7f5a3d1e4670>, 'license_options': <function license_options at 0x7f5a3d1e4700>, 'get_translated': <function get_translated at 0x7f5a3d1e4790>, 'facets': <function facets at 0x7f5a3d1e4820>, 'mail_to': <function mail_to at 0x7f5a3d1e48b0>, 'radio': <function radio at 0x7f5a3d1e4940>, 'clean_html': <function clean_html at 0x7f5a3d1e49d0>, 'flash': <ckan.lib.helpers._Flash object at 0x7f5a3d300430>, 'localised_number': <function localised_number at 0x7f5a3d337af0>, 'localised_SI_number': <function localised_SI_number at 0x7f5a3d337c10>, 'localised_nice_date': <function localised_nice_date at 0x7f5a3d337940>, 'localised_filesize': <function localised_filesize at 0x7f5a3d337b80>, 'get_available_locales': <function get_available_locales at 0x7f5a3e7b0040>, 'get_locales_dict': <function get_locales_dict at 0x7f5a3e827f70>, 'literal': <class 'ckan.lib.helpers.literal'>, 'asbool': <function asbool at 0x7f5a3ebffb80>, 'urlencode': <function urlencode at 0x7f5a3fb27820>, 'include_asset': <function include_asset at 0x7f5a3d1d9b80>, 'render_assets': <function render_assets at 0x7f5a3d1d9ca0>, 'sanitize_id': <function sanitize_id at 0x7f5a364dff70>, 'compare_pkg_dicts': <function compare_pkg_dicts at 0x7f5a3d1e4b80>, 'activity_list_select': <function activity_list_select at 0x7f5a3d1e4c10>, 'get_collaborators': <function get_collaborators at 0x7f5a3d1e4ca0>, 'can_update_owner_org': <function can_update_owner_org at 0x7f5a3d1e4d30>, 'check_ckan_version': <function check_ckan_version at 0x7f5a3d1e4dc0>, 'csrf_input': <function csrf_input at 0x7f5a3d1e4e50>, 'civity_group_list': <function group_list at 0x7f5a364cc9d0>, 'civity_choices_to_json': <function choices_to_json at 0x7f5a364cca60>, 'civity_donl_theme_list_choices': <function donl_theme_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df550>, 'civity_donl_authority_list_choices': <function donl_authority_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df5e0>, 'civity_donl_language_list_choices': <function donl_language_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df4c0>, 'civity_donl_spatial_scheme_list_choices': <function donl_spatial_scheme_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df670>, 'civity_donl_spatial_value_list_choices': <function donl_spatial_value_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df700>, 'sweden_theme_list_choices': <function sweden_theme_list_choices at 0x7f5a364df790>, 'civity_get_matomo_id': <function get_matomo_id at 0x7f5a364df820>, 'civity_get_matomo_url': <function get_matomo_url at 0x7f5a364df8b0>, 'civity_get_matomo_custom_url': <function get_matomo_custom_url at 0x7f5a364df940>, 'civity_get_siteimprove_src': <function get_siteimprove_src at 0x7f5a364df9d0>, 'civity_get_scheming_package_types_list': <function get_scheming_package_types_list at 0x7f5a364dfca0>, 'civity_get_now_date': <function get_now_date at 0x7f5a364dfd30>, 'civity_get_package_title': <function get_package_title at 0x7f5a364dfdc0>, 'civity_get_package_notes': <function get_package_notes at 0x7f5a364dfe50>, 'civity_i18n_error_document': <function i18n_error_document at 0x7f5a364e0040>, 'get_trackers': <bound method TrackerBackend.get_trackers of <class 'ckanext.tracker_base.backend.TrackerBackend'>>, 'get_tracker_badges': <function get_tracker_badges at 0x7f5a36573b80>, 'get_tracker_statuses': <function get_tracker_statuses at 0x7f5a36573af0>, 'get_tracker_activities': <function get_tracker_activities at 0x7f5a3659e160>, 'get_tracker_activities_stream': <function get_tracker_activities_stream at 0x7f5a365731f0>, 'get_tracker_queues': <function get_tracker_queues at 0x7f5a36573160>, 'hash': <function hash at 0x7f5a36573dc0>, 'helper_available': <function helper_available at 0x7f5a3c214c10>, 'dcat_get_endpoint': <function get_endpoint at 0x7f5a3c2244c0>, 'package_list_for_source': <function package_list_for_source at 0x7f5a35f18670>, 'package_count_for_source': <function package_count_for_source at 0x7f5a35f18700>, 'harvesters_info': <function harvesters_info at 0x7f5a35f18790>, 'harvester_types': <function harvester_types at 0x7f5a35f18820>, 'harvest_frequencies': <function harvest_frequencies at 0x7f5a35f188b0>, 'link_for_harvest_object': <function link_for_harvest_object at 0x7f5a35f18940>, 'harvest_source_extra_fields': <function harvest_source_extra_fields at 0x7f5a35f189d0>, 'get_harvest_source': <function get_harvest_source at 0x7f5a35f185e0>, 'get_common_map_config_shp': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'get_shapefile_viewer_config': <function get_shapefile_viewer_config at 0x7f5a3c2c9550>, 'get_common_map_config_wmts': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'get_common_map_config_geojson': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'geojson_get_max_file_size': <function get_max_file_size at 0x7f5a3c2c95e0>, 'get_common_map_config_geoviews': <function get_common_map_config at 0x7f5a3c2c94c0>, 'get_openlayers_viewer_config': <function get_openlayers_viewer_config at 0x7f5a3c2c9670>, 'get_map_config': <function get_mapview_config at 0x7f5a3c2c0280>, 'get_dataproxy_url': <function get_dataproxy_url at 0x7f5a3c2c04c0>, 'datastore_dictionary': <function datastore_dictionary at 0x7f5a3c2e1790>, 'scheming_language_text': <function scheming_language_text at 0x7f5a3c3ec790>, 'scheming_field_choices': <function scheming_field_choices at 0x7f5a3c3ecb80>, 'scheming_choices_label': <function scheming_choices_label at 0x7f5a3c3ecca0>, 'scheming_datastore_choices': <function scheming_datastore_choices at 0x7f5a3c3ecf70>, 'scheming_field_required': <function scheming_field_required at 0x7f5a3c3ec9d0>, 'scheming_dataset_schemas': <function scheming_dataset_schemas at 0x7f5a3c3ecdc0>, 'scheming_get_presets': <function scheming_get_presets at 0x7f5a3c3ecee0>, 'scheming_get_preset': <function scheming_get_preset at 0x7f5a3c3ece50>, 'scheming_get_dataset_schema': <function scheming_get_dataset_schema at 0x7f5a3c3ecc10>, 'scheming_get_dataset_form_pages': <function scheming_get_dataset_form_pages at 0x7f5a3c3ec310>, 'scheming_group_schemas': <function scheming_group_schemas at 0x7f5a3c3a9700>, 'scheming_get_group_schema': <function scheming_get_group_schema at 0x7f5a3c3a91f0>, 'scheming_organization_schemas': <function scheming_organization_schemas at 0x7f5a3c3a9d30>, 'scheming_get_organization_schema': <function scheming_get_organization_schema at 0x7f5a3c3a90d0>, 'scheming_get_schema': <function scheming_get_schema at 0x7f5a3c3a9280>, 'scheming_field_by_name': <function scheming_field_by_name at 0x7f5a3c3a9430>, 'scheming_datetime_to_utc': <function scheming_datetime_to_utc at 0x7f5a3c3a9310>, 'scheming_datetime_to_tz': <function scheming_datetime_to_tz at 0x7f5a3c3a94c0>, 'scheming_get_timezones': <function scheming_get_timezones at 0x7f5a3c3a9670>, 'scheming_display_json_value': <function scheming_display_json_value at 0x7f5a3c3a93a0>, 'scheming_show_organization_field': <function scheming_show_organization_field at 0x7f5a3c3a9550>, 'scheming_render_from_string': <function scheming_render_from_string at 0x7f5a3c3a9e50>, 'scheming_flatten_subfield': <function scheming_flatten_subfield at 0x7f5a3c3a9ee0>, 'scheming_package_type_list': <function scheming_package_type_list at 0x7f5a3c3a9ca0>} |
package | {'access_rights': '', 'author': None, 'author_email': None, 'authority': '', 'bounding_box': '', 'carousel_active': '', 'carousel_image': '', 'carousel_text': '', 'changetype': '', 'contact_point_email': '', 'contact_point_name': 'Servicedesk', 'contact_point_phone': '', 'contact_point_type': 'organization', 'creator_user_id': '2da92da4-b919-40d6-9afe-60b6fa1310a9', 'dataset_status': '', 'definition': '', 'denominator': '', 'donl_link_enabled': 'False', 'geo_ref_system': '', 'geonetwork_link_enabled': 'False', 'geoserver_link_enabled': 'True', 'id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'isopen': False, 'language': '', 'license_id': 'notspecified', 'license_title': 'License not specified', 'maintainer': None, 'maintainer_email': None, 'metadata_created': '2024-10-28T12:59:49.415692', 'metadata_language': '', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T15:29:28.272051', 'name': 'data-trial', 'notes': 'What could possibly go wrong? Well, when working with heterogeneous datasets datasets quite a lot actually. This dataset provides examples on what does work and what does not.', 'num_resources': 15, 'num_tags': 1, 'organization': {'id': '0fdccb62-33e0-40d8-bd89-44629c8afd42', 'name': 'alpha-testers', 'title': 'Alpha Testers', 'type': 'organization', 'description': '', 'image_url': '2023-06-08-141846.746908alpha.png', 'created': '2023-06-08T16:17:58.580315', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'}, 'owner_org': '0fdccb62-33e0-40d8-bd89-44629c8afd42', 'private': False, 'publisher': '', 'resolution': '', 'spatial_scheme': '', 'spatial_value': '', 'state': 'active', 'subtheme': '', 'theme': 'geen-thema', 'title': 'Data Trial', 'type': 'dataset', 'update_frequency': 'voortdurend geactualiseerd', 'url': None, 'version': '', 'version_notes': '', 'groups': [{'description': '', 'display_name': 'Geen Thema', 'id': '58b20a9f-bd14-40ee-aa9a-bd71c850550d', 'image_display_url': '', 'name': 'geen-thema', 'title': 'Geen Thema'}], 'resources': [{'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-10-28T12:49:52.175972', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: error, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** A collection of hexagons.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains hexagon polygons encoded as WKT in a column starting with "geom".\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work. The WKT polygons should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column. However, this column does not have a spatial reference ID.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.\n** To do ** Set spatial reference ID for spatial column', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'hexagons_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:10:45.870046', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:11:09.399759', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Hexagons (CSV with WKT geometry column)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 76497, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-10-28T15:03:47.938066', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '* ** Status ** Data store: error, GeoServer: OK.\n* ** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n* ** Contents ** This CSV resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns.\n* ** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n* ** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work. The coordinates should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column. However, this column does not have a spatial reference ID.\n* ** GeoServer ** Publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\n* ** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.\n* ** To do **\n** Set spatial reference ID for spatial column', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:10:59.507594', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:11:49.502712', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': '1024 random points (CSV with lon/lat columns)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 1, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 199690, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:11:22.666078', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should be modified: case is not preserved.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** The coordinates should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column and publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_camel_case_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:11:22.155412', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:15.311320', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'camelCase/UPPERCASE column name', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 2, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 211888, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-06T13:19:22.268184', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should be modified: the dash - character should be replaced by an underscore _ character.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** The coordinates should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column and publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_dash_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:11:38.223207', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:46.632522', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Column name with a dash', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 3, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 211876, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:11:57.329732', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: error.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should be - but are not being - modified: column names cannot contain spaces.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Column names in PostgreSQL/GeoServer cannot contain spaces, therefore publishing in GeoServer should fail.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_space_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:11:57.030202', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:13:11.553697', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Column name with spaces', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 4, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 233495, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-10-28T15:04:52.167535', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: error.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should be - but are not being - modified: column names cannot contain special characters, these cause a problem in GeoServer.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Column names in PostgreSQL/GeoServer cannot contain special characters, therefore publishing in GeoServer should fail.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_special_character_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:11.029007', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:13:42.319697', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Column names with special characters', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 5, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 251950, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:12:25.942186', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: error.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should be - but are not being - modified: column names cannot start with a number.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Column names in PostgreSQL/GeoServer cannot start with a number, therefore publishing in GeoServer should fail.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_starting_with_a_number_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:25.630952', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:14:25.348205', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Column name starting with a number', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 6, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 211904, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-06T13:20:26.591730', 'datastore_active': False, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** A collection of hexagons.\n** Contents ** This GeoPackage resource contains hexogon polygons.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\n** Spatial information ** The GeoPackage file can contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system. If this information is present in the GeoPackage, it does not have to be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'GPKG', 'hash': '', 'id': 'hexagons_gpkg', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:40.196907', 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:45.326195', 'mimetype': 'application/geopackage+sqlite3', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Hexagons (GeoPackage)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 7, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 270336, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:12:57.156125', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points.\n** Contents ** This GeoPackage resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and geometries.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing this resource in GeoServer should work as well.\n** Spatial information ** The GeoPackage file can contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system. If this information is present in the GeoPackage, it does not have to be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'GPKG', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_gpkg', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:12:56.814035', 'layer_extent': [585.4936343090193, 306754.771228742, 284112.79563641903, 636715.8132705259], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:15:01.203162', 'mimetype': 'application/geopackage+sqlite3', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': '1024 random points (GeoPackage)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 8, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 413696, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:13:18.618493', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: error, GeoServer: error.\n** Title ** A collection of 1024 random points and a collection of 2048 random points.\n** Contents ** This GeoPackage resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and geometries.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should fail since the GeoPackage contains multiple layers whereas only GeoPackages with one layer are supported.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing this resource in GeoServer should fail since the resource is not pushed to the data store.\n** Spatial information ** The GeoPackage file can contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system. If this information is present in the GeoPackage, it does not have to be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'GPKG', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_2048_gpkg', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:13:18.324559', 'layer_extent': [585.4936343090193, 306754.771228742, 284123.3812653209, 636715.8132705259], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:15:35.594145', 'mimetype': 'application/geopackage+sqlite3', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': '1024 and 2048 random points (GeoPackage)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 9, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 1064960, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-06T13:20:49.119648', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': 'A collection of 1024 random points. This Excel resource contains random strings, numbers, date/times and coordinates in longitude/latitude columns. Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names without any laundering actions. Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should therefore not be a problem. The coordinates should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column and publishing in GeoServer should work as well. However, the Excel file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information has to be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'XLSX', 'hash': '', 'id': 'random_points_1024_xlsx', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:13:32.191393', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:16:02.582498', 'mimetype': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': '1024 random points (Excel)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 10, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 136214, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:14:35.341978', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: depending on the configuration, GeoServer: depending on configuration.\n** Title ** Duth municipalities.\n** Contents ** This shape file resource contains Dutch municipalities with a lot of attributes and geometries.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work depending on the configuration: for indexing purposes, data are stored in a tsvector field which can only accommodate for a certain size. If the geometry field is not excluded from indexing, updating the index (and thus pushing to the data store) will fail.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing this resource in GeoServer should work once the resource is properly pushed to the data store.\n** Spatial information ** The shape file can contain information regarding the spatial extent and coordinate reference system. If this information is present in the shape file, it does not have to be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'SHAPE/ZIP', 'hash': '', 'id': 'gemeenten_2022_v2_zip', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:14:34.875133', 'layer_extent': [10425.155999999493, 306846.1979999989, 278026.08999999985, 621876.3000000007], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:17:32.968778', 'mimetype': 'application/zip', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Dutch municipalities', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 11, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 17682761, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T12:13:46.889630', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** Bus line 4 in the City of Malmö.\n** Contents ** This GeoJSON resource contains bus line 4 in the City of Malmö .\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing this resource in GeoServer should work once the resource is properly pushed to the data store.\n** Spatial information ** The GeoJSON file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'GeoJSON', 'hash': '', 'id': 'busslinje4_json', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T15:28:01.723492', 'layer_extent': [12.918388, 55.543025, 13.057344, 55.616352], 'layer_srid': 4326, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T15:28:38.973043', 'mimetype': 'application/json', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Bus line 4 Malmö, .json extension', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 12, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 261470, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload', 'wfs_url': '', 'wms_url': ''}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T15:15:49.502279', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: OK, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** Water lines in the City of Malmö.\n** Contents ** This GeoJSON resource contains water lines in the City of Malmö with geometries and two attributes.\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing this resource in GeoServer should work once the resource is properly pushed to the data store.\n** Spatial information ** The GeoJSON file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'GeoJSON', 'hash': '', 'id': 'vatten_linjer_json', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T15:28:19.529019', 'layer_extent': [12.9200179333, 55.5033491284, 13.1528176985, 55.6380426291], 'layer_srid': 4326, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T15:29:02.879965', 'mimetype': 'application/json', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Water lines Malmö', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 13, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 146546, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload', 'wfs_url': '', 'wms_url': ''}, {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-12-09T15:28:33.069170', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: ?, GeoServer: ?.\n** Title ** Bus line 4 in the City of Malmö.\n** Contents ** This GeoJSON resource contains bus line 4 in the City of Malmö .\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing this resource in GeoServer should work once the resource is properly pushed to the data store.\n** Spatial information ** The GeoJSON file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.', 'format': 'GeoJSON', 'hash': '', 'id': 'busslinje4_geojson', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T15:28:32.776675', 'layer_extent': [12.918388, 55.543025, 13.057344, 55.616352], 'layer_srid': 4326, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T15:29:28.285403', 'mimetype': 'application/geo+json', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Bus line 4 Malmö, .geojson extension', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 14, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 261470, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload', 'wfs_url': '', 'wms_url': ''}], 'tags': [{'display_name': 'Just testing...', 'id': 'b36a1734-8176-4f14-8537-85a64a65a5ba', 'name': 'Just testing...', 'state': 'active', 'vocabulary_id': None}], 'relationships_as_subject': [], 'relationships_as_object': [], 'civity_metadataquality': {'total': {'score': 0.5263157894736842, 'number': 38, 'valid': 20}, 'mandatory': {'score': 1.0, 'number': 17, 'valid': 17}, 'optional': {'score': 0.14285714285714285, 'number': 21, 'valid': 3}}} |
request | <Request '' [GET]> |
resource | {'cache_last_updated': None, 'cache_url': None, 'created': '2024-10-28T12:49:52.175972', 'datastore_active': True, 'description': '** Status ** Data store: error, GeoServer: OK.\n** Title ** A collection of hexagons.\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains hexagon polygons encoded as WKT in a column starting with "geom".\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work. The WKT polygons should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column. However, this column does not have a spatial reference ID.\n** GeoServer ** Publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.\n** To do ** Set spatial reference ID for spatial column', 'format': 'CSV', 'hash': '', 'id': 'hexagons_csv', 'last_modified': '2024-12-09T12:10:45.870046', 'layer_extent': [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], 'layer_srid': 28992, 'metadata_modified': '2024-12-09T12:11:09.399759', 'mimetype': 'text/csv', 'mimetype_inner': None, 'name': 'Hexagons (CSV with WKT geometry column)', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd', 'position': 0, 'resource_type': None, 'size': 76497, 'state': 'active', 'url': '', 'url_type': 'upload'} |
resource_json | '{"cache_last_updated": null, "cache_url": null, "created": "2024-10-28T12:49:52.175972", "datastore_active": true, "description": "** Status ** Data store: error, GeoServer: OK.\\n** Title ** A collection of hexagons.\\n** Contents ** This CSV resource contains hexagon polygons encoded as WKT in a column starting with \\"geom\\".\\n** Laundering ** Column names in this resource should not be modified: both PostgreSQL and GeoServer should be able to use these column names as is.\\n** Data store ** Uploading this resource to the CKAN data store should work. The WKT polygons should be converted to a PostGIS spatial column. However, this column does not have a spatial reference ID.\\n** GeoServer ** Publishing in GeoServer should work as well.\\n** Spatial information ** The CSV file does not contain information regarding the spatial extent or coordinate reference system, so this information must be added manually in the resource.\\n** To do ** Set spatial reference ID for spatial column", "format": "CSV", "hash": "", "id": "hexagons_csv", "last_modified": "2024-12-09T12:10:45.870046", "layer_extent": [482.06, 306602.42, 284182.97, 637049.52], "layer_srid": 28992, "metadata_modified": "2024-12-09T12:11:09.399759", "mimetype": "text/csv", "mimetype_inner": null, "name": "Hexagons (CSV with WKT geometry column)", "package_id": "47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd", "position": 0, "resource_type": null, "size": 76497, "state": "active", "url": "", "url_type": "upload"}' |
resource_view | {'id': '401207e9-7dbd-4319-b78c-a2c4c09d768a', 'resource_id': 'hexagons_csv', 'title': 'Data Explorer', 'description': '', 'view_type': 'recline_view', 'package_id': '47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd'} |
resource_view_json | '{"id": "401207e9-7dbd-4319-b78c-a2c4c09d768a", "resource_id": "hexagons_csv", "title": "Data Explorer", "description": "", "view_type": "recline_view", "package_id": "47524b3f-3dd0-4afd-8d67-f4968db6e3dd"}' |
session | {'_domain': None, '_path': '/', '_id': 'd74a07e1b03a4ef0a8f3bcc6c100fbc1'} |
ungettext | <function ungettext at 0x7f5a3ebff310> |
The toolbar was unable to fetch the SQLAlchemy queries for this request. To enable the SQLAlchemy query display, please:
The Flask-SQLAlchemy extension needs to be configured for this application. Please see the Flask-SQLAlchemy documentation for details.
No messages logged.
URL route | Endpoint name | HTTP methods | Is alias | Redirect to |
/ | home.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
//oauth2/callback | oauth2.callback | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/<path:filename> | static | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/about | home.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/ | api.get_api | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/i18n/<lang> | api.i18n_js_translations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/dataset/autocomplete | api.dataset_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/group/autocomplete | api.group_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/organization/autocomplete | api.organization_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/resource/format_autocomplete | api.format_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/snippet/<snippet_path> | api.snippet | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/tag/autocomplete | api.tag_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=2):ver>/util/user/autocomplete | api.user_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=1, max=3):ver> | api.get_api | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/<int(min=3, max=3):ver>/action/<logic_function> | api.action | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/api/action/<logic_function> | api.action | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/api/i18n/<lang> | api.i18n_js_translations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/dataset/autocomplete | api.dataset_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/group/autocomplete | api.group_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/organization/autocomplete | api.organization_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/resource/format_autocomplete | api.format_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/snippet/<snippet_path> | api.snippet | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/tag/autocomplete | api.tag_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/api/util/user/autocomplete | api.user_autocomplete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/basemap_service/<map_id> | service_proxy.proxy_service_url | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/catalog.<_format> | dcat.read_catalog | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/ | admin.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/config | admin.config | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/ckan-admin/keycloak | keycloaksynch.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/keycloak_synch | keycloaksynch.synch | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/reset_config | admin.reset_config | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/ckan-admin/trackers | tracker.admin | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/ckan-admin/trash | admin.trash | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dashboard/ | dashboard.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/<int:offset> | dashboard.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/datasets | dashboard.datasets | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/groups | dashboard.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dashboard/organizations | dashboard.organizations | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/ | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<_id>.<_format> | dcat.read_dataset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/dictionary/<resource_id> | datastore.dictionary | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/history | dataset.history | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/delete | dataset_resource.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/delete | resource.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download/<filename> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download/<filename> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit | dataset_resource.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit | resource.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit_view/<view_id> | dataset_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit_view/<view_id> | resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/embed | dataset_resource.embedded_dataviewer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/embed | resource.embedded_dataviewer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | dataset_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/preview | dataset_resource.datapreview | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/preview | resource.datapreview | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/proxy | resource_proxy.proxy_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/service_proxy | service_proxy.proxy_service | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/trackers | tracker.resource | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view | dataset_resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view | resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view/<view_id> | dataset_resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view/<view_id> | resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/viewer | dataset_resource.embedded_dataviewer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/viewer | resource.embedded_dataviewer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/views | dataset_resource.views | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/views | resource.views | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource_data/<resource_id> | tracker_ogr.resource | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/resource_edit/<resource_id> | dataset.EditView | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/<id>/trackers | tracker.package | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/activity/<id> | dataset.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/changes/<id> | dataset.changes | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/changes_multiple | dataset.changes_multiple | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/delete/<id> | dataset.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/edit/<id> | dataset.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/follow/<id> | dataset.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/followers/<id> | dataset.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/groups/<id> | dataset.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/harvest_object/<id> | harvester.object_show | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/dataset/new_resource/<id> | dataset.CreateView | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/resources/<id> | dataset.resources | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dataset/unfollow/<id> | dataset.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/datastore/dump/<resource_id> | datastore.dump | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/dcat.json | dcat_json_interface.dcat_json | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/custom.atom | feeds.custom | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/dataset.atom | feeds.general | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/group/<string:id>.atom | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/organization/<string:id>.atom | feeds.organization | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/feeds/tag/<string:id>.atom | feeds.tag | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/ | group.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/about/<id> | group.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/activity/<id> | group.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/activity/<id>/<int:offset> | group.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/group/admins/<id> | group.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/bulk_process/<id> | group.bulk_process | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/delete/<id> | group.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/edit/<id> | group.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/follow/<id> | group.follow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/followers/<id> | group.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/history/<id> | group.history | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/member_delete/<id> | group.member_delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/member_new/<id> | group.member_new | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/members/<id> | group.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/group/unfollow/<id> | group.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/ | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/history | harvest.history | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/delete | harvest_resource.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/download/<filename> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit | harvest_resource.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/edit_view/<view_id> | harvest_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/embed | harvest_resource.embedded_dataviewer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/new_view | harvest_resource.edit_view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/preview | harvest_resource.datapreview | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view | harvest_resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/view/<view_id> | harvest_resource.view | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/viewer | harvest_resource.embedded_dataviewer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/<resource_id>/views | harvest_resource.views | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/<id>/resource_edit/<resource_id> | harvest.EditView | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<source>/job | harvester.job_list | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<source>/job/<id> | harvester.job_show | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<source>/job/<id>/abort | harvester.job_abort | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/<source>/job/last | harvester.job_show_last | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/about/<id> | harvester.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/activity/<id> | harvest.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/admin/<id> | harvester.admin | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/changes/<id> | harvest.changes | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/changes_multiple | harvest.changes_multiple | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/clear/<id> | harvester.clear | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/delete/<id> | harvester.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/delete/<id> | harvest.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/edit/<id> | harvest.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/follow/<id> | harvest.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/followers/<id> | harvest.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/groups/<id> | harvest.groups | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/new_resource/<id> | harvest.CreateView | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/object/<id> | harvester.object_show | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/refresh/<id> | harvester.refresh | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/harvest/resources/<id> | harvest.resources | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/harvest/unfollow/<id> | harvest.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/ogr/dump/<resource_id> | tracker_ogr.dump | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/ | organization.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/about/<id> | organization.about | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/activity/<id> | organization.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/activity/<id>/<int:offset> | organization.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/organization/admins/<id> | organization.admins | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/bulk_process/<id> | organization.bulk_process | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/delete/<id> | organization.delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/edit/<id> | organization.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/follow/<id> | organization.follow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/followers/<id> | organization.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/history/<id> | organization.history | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/member_delete/<id> | organization.member_delete | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/member_new/<id> | organization.member_new | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/members/<id> | organization.members | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/new | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/organization/unfollow/<id> | organization.unfollow | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/stats | stats.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/testing/primer | util.primer | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/ | user.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/<id> | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/<id>/api-tokens | user.api_tokens | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/<id>/api-tokens/<jti>/revoke | user.api_token_revoke | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/_logout | user.logout | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/activity/<id> | user.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/activity/<id>/<int:offset> | user.activity | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/delete/<id> | user.delete | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/edit | user.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/edit/<id> | oauth2.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/edit/<id> | user.edit | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/follow/<id> | user.follow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/followers/<id> | user.followers | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/generate_key | user.generate_apikey | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/generate_key/<id> | user.generate_apikey | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/logged_in | user.logged_in | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/logged_out | user.logged_out | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/logged_out_redirect | user.logged_out_page | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/login | oauth2.login | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/login | user.login | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/me | | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/register | oauth2.register | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/register | user.register | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset | oauth2.reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/user/reset | user.request_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/reset/<id> | user.perform_reset | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/user/unfollow/<id> | user.unfollow | OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/util/redirect | util.internal_redirect | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST | False | None |
/webassets/<path:path> | webassets.index | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_CN/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_CN/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_TW/ | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |
/zh_TW/<path:path> | home.redirect_locale | GET, HEAD, OPTIONS | False | None |